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Halaman Inspirational Skripsi

By Senin, Juli 15, 2013


Jika Tuhan mengijinkanmu melangkah di jalan yang Berbatu,
itu artinya, Dia sudah menyiapkanmu sepasang sepatu yang tangguh

Tetapi jawab Tuhan kepadaku: "Cukuplah kasih karunia-Ku bagimu, sebab justru dalam kelemahanlah kuasa-Ku menjadi sempurna." (II Korintus 12:9a)

“… beware of the sin of ingratitude
–St Francis Assisi: Sermon to the Birds

So if you're full of trouble
and you never seem to win
Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in

from this moment on, every voice that told you 'you can't' is silenced. Every reason that tells you that things will never change, disappears. And the person you were before this moment, that person's turn is over, now's your turn –Mrs.Gruwell, Freedom Writers

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