Guilty Pleasure
guilty pleasure
(:n) something you shouldn't like but like anyway
(:n) something that you love to do but just cannot admit that you do it
Everybody tend to have something called guilty pleasure. Maybe for extreme side the example are about porn and drugs, but if we open our mind wider and be honest to ourselves, the guilty pleasure can transform in so many forms: food, social media, clothes, movie, game, or even laziness.
Why it's called guilty?
Why it's called pleasure?
Both words are totally opposite. The first one is about feeling regret and the second one drag us to the comfort state of mind. Some activities make us confuse to define "is that a good thing to do? May I? Why shouldn't I?" We afraid of what people will see. We are live in society that push us to the always-think-twice area. Their construction of 'good' or 'bad' is affect us all the time. I didn't say it's a bad thing anyway, and the fact is I cannot imagine how chaos the world will be if every person doesn't has any guilty feeling at all. Same side of it, we desperately need a reason to be excited. Since every time our adrenaline up or after we finish our favorite meal, we can feel statisfy. That feeling help us to enjoy life.
We need both of them! The problem comes when we failed to place each in right portion. Too many guilty feeling prove that maybe we are already overthinking and be the person like what people wanna see. What I try to say is for some things that absolutely wrong like porn and drugs, we shouldn't give any compromise. The real face about pleasure is not worth to be placed at those terms. But for so many many things else, I think we must keep being ourselves without spending too many times worrying about people's opinion.
Let me give an example.
Weekend has similar meaning with 'time to hang out' but for some people -introvert especially- spending time in their room is a great pleasure. People tend to judge that maybe she/he are a geek or weird person just because she/he ignore one hang out invitation at the weekend. For me -about that case, being home and have self-time for introvert person is a truly pleasure so it's not necessary to add the word of 'guilty' at all.
And what will happen if we only think about pleasure?
Of course, it will hard to us to be responsible. 'Pleasure is just a bonus, not a priority' I ever read that statement and it's kinda worth remember. We must underlines that statement as a good reminder. Because at the end maturity will help us to figure it out that life doesn't always agree with our plan. Even happy ending is not always exist in the way we want.
We need extra careful to maintain our behavior in this judgmental environment, while still having a chance to be ourselves. Guilty-side seems need little bit free-soul when pleasure-side totally need enough maturity. Each control another. We have to remember that all the extreme side and whatever that too-much is not really good.
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